Emily + Andy | The steps behind the feet by Emily
Three different Orthopedic doctors, weekly doctor appointments, 10+ toe to hip casts, one surgery, a pile of doctor bills, a whole lot of prayer, and God’s provision has led us to where we are today. Today, we have a happy 1 ½ year old boy who loves to run and be on the go. Every time Carson runs and giggles I am reminded to thank God for the dark long days that He led us through and the lessons that He taught us through it all.
My husband Andy and I found out at our 20 week ultrasound that our baby would be born with bilateral Club Feet. The cause of the birth defect remains unknown but is prevalent in approximately 1 in every 1,000 births – especially in boys.
The news, as you can imagine, was a shock and the unknowns of the days ahead were scary. As any parent would agree, it is heart wrenching to watch your child be in pain or sad and would give anything to take it all on for them! As you can imagine, toe to hip casts are not comfortable, so we spent countless hours in the rocking chair listening to JJ Heller’s Lullabies on repeat!
Like any trial, it was hard to understand the WHY but all along the way God reminded us that we were not alone. God provided in remarkable ways! Whether it was a meal from a church member, an extra 20 minute long nap, or an anonymous person paying for a medical bill (and the list goes on and on) all these blessings reminded us that our God is big and is in control.
Today, we are cast free and loving that we only have to wear special “night time boots”. We are thankful that God provided such a wonderful nurse and orthopedic Doctor, who we now don’t have to see weekly but rather only every few months.
Today, as I watch Carson run, play, and grow I treasure the lesson my Pepere (grandfather) taught me, "We will never be richer". It may not be the “story” that we would have written but we know it is God’s perfect plan.